AR Mobile Space for Children to Recognize Mines and Unexploded Ammunition

Amid the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, safety for children became a critical concern. In response, Fectar collaborated with international military experts to develop an AR mobile space designed to help children recognize and avoid mines and unexploded ammunition.

This innovative AR experience was created with the specific needs of Ukrainian children in mind, aiming to educate them on the dangers they might encounter in their environment. By using engaging and age-appropriate AR visuals, the platform teaches children how to identify hazardous objects and take appropriate action, potentially saving lives.

The success of this project underscores the vital role of technology in humanitarian efforts, demonstrating how AR can be used not just for education and entertainment but for critical safety training in conflict zones. Fectar’s commitment to making a positive impact is reflected in this life-saving initiative, providing essential knowledge to those who need it most.