Digital Twin with Live IoT Data for Remote Assistance

ABB partnered with Fectar to create a cutting-edge Digital Twin of their factory training module, revolutionizing how factory managers are trained.

This training module simulates a turbine with an IoT sensor, gateway, and drive module, mirroring the actual components found in a factory. With a smartphone you can scan a QR code on the side of the module and start the Fectar app to view real-time data.

Real-Time Error codes and AR Instructions

Using Fectar, trainees can interact with a live Digital Twin, which displays real-time error codes and provides step-by-step AR instructions for resolving issues, drawn directly from ABB’s knowledge base via API integration. The platform also enables real-time display of IoT data on both the digital and physical turbine, ensuring comprehensive and interactive training.

Remote Assistance with Fectar MeetUp

Moreover, Fectar’s remote assistance feature allows for seamless collaboration between on-site and remote personnel. Through Fectar MeetUp, teams can communicate, highlight specific parts, and even leave digital notes that are visible on both the Digital Twin and the actual machine. This innovation not only streamlines training but also enhances troubleshooting and maintenance processes in real-world factory settings.

Want to know more about IoT in XR? In combination with AI? With our standard MQTT support? Contact us for a free demo