Masterclas XR & AI at The Next Web / Financial Times

Our CEO Eugene Kuipers had the pleasure of giving a masterclass at The Next Web / Financial Times event on the fascinating world of Immersive Technology. Together with Andrea Hak, he explored current use cases and delved into future possibilities, particularly the exciting combination of Extended Reality (XR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

One of the highlights was discussing AI-powered avatars equipped with natural speech interfaces, offering a glimpse into how these advancements will revolutionize our interactions in digital environments. The potential for creating more intuitive and engaging experiences is immense.

By the way, we are preparing more masterclasses in the upcoming time, both in the classroom and online. Contact us if you are interested in joining.

Thank you Andrea for a great conversation and thank you to everyone who attended and engaged with the session. The future of immersive technology is bright, and I’m excited to be part of this journey.

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