
Remote Assistance in Augmented and Virtual  Reality

Work together from anywhere in the world with any device! You can be in your office in Singapore and your client can be at the airport in New York.

Now you can work together with the same 3D content while you are using your VR Headset and your client is using his iPhone.

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Instant 3D service worldwide

Remote Assistance, Remote Shopping, Remote Teaching

Currently more than 2 billion devices worldwide are technically able to support the Fectar platform. Almost anyone can download the free Fectar app and join you in your Remote Assistance session.

Save on travel cost

Working together in Virtual and Augmented Reality means there is no more need to travel. You can deliver instant service to your clients worldwide with the free Fectar app.

Just get your smartphone, tablet, Hololens or VR headset and start working together with the free Fectar app. And at the same time you reduce your carbon footprint!


A title

Image Box text

Low (or no) investment

No need to acquire expensive VR or AR headsets. Fectar works on an average smartphone with an average internet connection. And Fectar Studio is a SaaS solution, so you don’t need to install any software either.

How to CREATE a Fectar MeetUp

    1. Open Fectar and place the Space in your room
    2. Click on the MeetUp button at the bottom
    3. Choose a username, gender (M/F/N), and beam color
    4. And click on ‘Create’

Invite others to ‘Join’ you in the Augmented Reality session. Share a link or a QR code, it’s that simple.

meetup start

How to JOIN a Fectar MeetUp

There are different ways to join a MeetUp:

    • Click on an Invitation Link by email or Whatsapp,
    • Scan a MeetUp QR Code or
    • Fill in the MeetUp Code of 9 characters

Then you will join the MeetUp in the same Space. It’s that simple.

join a meetup

3D Objects


Holographic person 


360 Photo & Video


Image & Video


Remote sessions


Interactive buttons


Questions & feedback


Analitics & Measuring